How psoriasis started: symptoms and signs of this disease

Psoriasis (translated from the Greek "psora"-"skin disease, scabies") is a non-infectious chronic pathology, also called scaly lichen, which mainly affects the skin of the knees and elbows, lower back and upper limbs. head. Joints, bones, nails, external genitals, and internal organs also have psoriasis, but these forms are rarely diagnosed. Pathology is difficult to cure. Therefore, when the first symptoms of rash appear, it is urgent to consult a doctor.


Stearin stain

The first sign of psoriasis is part of the triad of pathological symptoms. It is characterized by increased peeling after scraping the affected area with a spatula. Over time, the silver-white scaled papules separated from the papules. It is not difficult to remove them because they become loose and difficult to attach to the psoriasis papules. The surface of the tumor (rash) turns white, and the particles are broken and resemble shavings.

Stearin stain

The first phenomenon of the triad is the development of hypokeratosis (dysfunction of the epithelium, resulting in violation of the formation of the stratum corneum). In order to eliminate deviations in the initial stage, topical non-hormonal preparations (creams, ointments) are used.

Terminal film

It is characterized by the removal of a thin layer of tissue from the pimples. The pimples have a shiny structure that looks like polyethylene. After removing the dry flakes, it is easy to separate due to any impact (pressure, friction, etc. ).

Terminal film

The terminal membrane is the last layer removed from the skin. Further scratches lead to the final stage of the underworld-dripping blood.

At this stage, use medicinal herbal baths, anti-allergic drugs, natural ointments (without corticosteroids and hormones).

Precise bleeding

After removing the terminal membrane, hemorrhage from eye drops (Australia or "blood dew") occurs on the infected area of the skin, and the tumor is noted to grow faster, sometimes reaching the size of a pea, called a lenticular lens. In some cases, the papules grow to the diameter of a small coin and differentiate into nuclei. As the disease progresses, their growth increases, and when combined, psoriasis plaques are formed.

Precise bleeding

For treatment, retinoids, immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory drugs, and physical therapy are used.


The disease can be identified by other characteristic symptoms, the main features are 4:

  • The edges are red, without scales, and form around the papules.
  • Red edges around the pimples
  • On clean areas of the skin, a small rash is visible (usually before the advanced stage of psoriasis).
  • Small psoriasis outbreak
  • Symptoms that help distinguish psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis are characteristic of the pathologically active phase. It is accompanied by the appearance of papules with clear boundaries on the scalp; this does not happen with seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Clear pimples on the scalp
  • Bright skin edges appear around the skin. This symptom is a typical symptom of the remission stage of the disease and will appear when the papules disappear.
  • The shiny edges of the skin around the pimples

What does it look like

In most cases, the onset of pathology is difficult to detect: in the early stages, psoriasis affects small areas of the skin, mainly in the bends of the limbs, head and hairline.

attention!The initial manifestations appear in areas of continuous mechanical irritation to the skin, such as areas where clothes are rubbed and compressed.

Common symptoms:

  • Itching;
  • Excessive dry skin;
  • Exfoliation of pathological components;
  • Deterioration of general health (weakness, lethargy, fever).

The development of pathological papules is divided into three stages:

  • progress.The appearance is a bright pink rash with dense surroundings with slightly fuzzy edges. In the center of the pimples, the skin peels off, forming a white color. At this stage, the rash may appear on the site of scratches, skin injuries, bites, cuts, punctures, or burns.
  • Progressive stages of papules
  • FixedIt starts 1-4 weeks after the onset of the disease. The new patch does not appear, the old patch is light-colored, and the peel strength is reduced.
  • Quiescent papules
  • return.The color of the plaques and papules fades, their infiltration decreases and the formations dissolve. The average duration of the decay period is 2 to 6-8 months.
  • Degenerative period of papules

The symptoms of the disease depend on the type:

  • plaque(Common or vulgar). The most common type of pathology. On various parts of the body (usually on the elbows, knees, and head), red-hued oval or round patches will appear, covered with silver-white scales.
  • Plaque psoriasis
  • Seborrheic.It mainly occurs on the scalp. It manifests as peeling and itching, spreading along the hairline to the area behind the ears and skin.
  • Seborrheic psoriasis
  • PustulesThis type is considered the most serious form, develops rapidly, and affects large areas of the skin. A painful rash appeared on the body, accompanied by local elevations of body temperature, weakness, headache, and diarrhea. Vesicles filled with exudate quickly form in the lesion. In the future, the spots will progress, merge with each other, and form large lesions on the body.
  • Pustular psoriasis
  • Cross-border.A typical child, accompanied by the appearance of bright red papules, has slight peeling (which may not be present).
  • Pediatric Psoriasis
  • Oozing.The affected area of the skin will not only peel off, but will also form a moist, yellowish crust on the surface of the patch.
  • Exudative psoriasis
  • Psoriasis erythroderma.Red patches with silver, yellow or white scales were observed all over the body. It is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and an increase in body temperature. In the future, the formations will merge into large masses, causing irritation and itching.
  • Psoriatic arthritis.It is accompanied by "joint syndrome" in which the skin of the joint area (wrist, finger phalanx, spine, etc. ) is affected. If measures are not taken in time, the disease affects the joints.
  • teardropAccompanied by a large number of rashes consisting of many small patches. In this case, the pimples are drop-shaped, and their color ranges from bright red to purple.
  • Intestinal psoriasis
  • View.It is characterized by the formation of small spots on various areas of the body, similar to spots, and there may be no peeling of the dermis.
  • Punctate psoriasis
  • Opium.One of the types of chronic psoriasis. The crust appears on the strata, and they become taller and conical.
  • Rheumatoid psoriasis
  • oldIt appears as a large papule that does not disappear for a long time, and sometimes papillomas and warts form on it.
  • Old psoriasis
  • Psoriasis Gray MatterCauses nails to deform and yellowish-brown spots appear under the nails.
  • Psoriasis Gray Matter
  • Palm-sole.Appears on the palms and soles of the feet. The main symptoms are thickened, dry, and cracked skin.
  • Palm-Psoriasis
  • Mucosal psoriasisAffects the mouth and causes plaques on the mucous membranes to appear.
  • Mucosal psoriasis

Positioning of psoriasis


In most cases, a rash will appear on the surface of the elbow or between the toes. Rarely, there are pimples on the forearm.

attention!These hands are characterized by pathological plaque forms, but others have found them. The signs are small red-toned spots, quickly covered by white scales, and the affected skin thickens.


The formation of psoriasis mainly occurs in the legs of the knee area, but it may also form in other parts of the legs.

The first rash is single and small, with clear outlines, but loose, inflamed, and flaky. These precise papules spread quickly to form clumps.


It usually develops under the background of seborrhea, affecting the hairline and forming the so-called psoriasis crown. The skin formation gradually grows and spreads over the entire surface, similar to dandruff. This limitation often occurs, and the frequency of rashes on or behind the ears is low.


Nail boards may be affected by the following types:

  • thimble-Psoriasis punctate. Small pits appear on the nails, similar to needle marks.
  • Thimble type
  • Onychomycosis-The nails become discolored, dull, visibly thickened and begin to peel off. Through the board, you can see a psoriatic papule, surrounded by a reddish edge, similar to an oily spot.
  • Types of onychomycosis


It usually manifests as characteristic papules that merge with each other. Psoriasis is more common on the back, and less in shape on the neck, abdomen, and buttocks, and can be in drops, spots, and plaques.


It is rarely affected. The rash is located in the nasolabial folds, in the temples and eyebrow areas around the eyes. Pathology rarely affects the edges of the lips, and the rash is similar to herpes.

Palms and feet

Both areas are affected at the same time, but sometimes the pathology develops only on the feet or palms. In the soles of the feet, the disease is often combined with fungal pathology, which greatly increases the difficulty of diagnosis and treatment.

This type of psoriasis is divided into 3 types:

  • Papule plaque-The stratum is dense and does not protrude above the skin, making it difficult to separate the scales from the plaque. The rash occurs in the marginal area and is accompanied by edema and keratosis.
  • Psoriasis callus-Round compact papules, composed of keratinized epidermis. The skin layer gradually thickens and thickens. As a result, it is easy to be injured and cracks appear. There is almost no redness, and the size of the growth ranges from 2-3 mm to 2-3 cm.
  • Vesicles-Manifested as serous papules. The diameter of the bubbles reaches 2 mm and tends to merge.


Pathology can affect human joints, leading to changes in their tissue structure and causing soreness and deformation as the disease progresses. External symptoms: red rash on the skin. Internal signs-joint injuries, especially during sleep, movement stiffness, swelling.

important!First, psoriasis affects the small joints of the feet and hands, then spreads to the knees and elbows, and in the later stages, the intervertebral joints have been damaged.

Whether itching

In most cases, psoriasis is accompanied by varying degrees of itching, sometimes not only spots, but also itching all over the body. At the beginning, the itching is mild and gradually increases.

The degree of intensity also depends on the location of the pathology. For example, when the skin peels and falls into large patches, the psoriasis on the head will be itchy a lot, and its size is larger than normal dandruff. During the resting phase, the itching is reduced, usually giving way to a burning sensation. During remission, all major symptoms are mild.

The reasons for worsening itching are:

  • relapse;
  • climate change;
  • General poisoning;
  • Digestive tract diseases;
  • Join of sores, allergies;
  • HIV infection.

After drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages, spicy food, chocolate and other allergens, the skin is itchy.

How to differentiate

For eczema

  • The nature of the rash.Eczema can fill blisters or blisters with periodically oozing fluid. Psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of dry, scaly papules, and blood will appear after removal.
  • Itchy skin.Skin eczema is more likely to cause itching than psoriasis.
  • colour.In psoriasis, the scales are silver, and in eczema, the affected area becomes bright red or scarlet.
  • The painful place.Eczema affects the soft, sensitive areas of the skin, armpits, and groin. Psoriasis is characterized by a rash on rough, hard and thick skin layers (knees, elbows, head, etc. ).
  • The cause of the disease.Psoriasis is usually caused by neurogenic factors, while eczema is caused by body allergies and dysfunction.
  • Features of a rash on the hands.Psoriasis can form dents on the nail plate, and eczema is similar to a fungal infection.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

The clinical manifestations of the disease are similar, but you can distinguish them by several characteristics:

  • For psoriasis, unhealthy skin gloss and bleeding cracks are the characteristics, but seborrheic dermatitis does not have this phenomenon.
  • Unlike psoriasis, dermatitis is not accompanied by thickening and severe dryness of the skin.
  • The scales of psoriasis are silver, and seborrhea is yellow or white.
  • Seborrheic scale is easy to remove, while psoriasis scale is not easy to remove.
  • Dermatitis is more common in areas where sebaceous glands accumulate and squamous diseases-the entire body;
  • Scalp psoriasis clearly protrudes beyond the hair growth area, seborrheic disease does not cross this line;
  • The lesion area of squamous squamous cell carcinoma is much larger than that of dermatitis.

From fungus

  • There are many attractive factors for the appearance of psoriasis, such as genetics, mechanical damage to the skin, and abnormal immune system function. The pathogen of the second disease is simply the spores of parasitic fungi.
  • The pathology of psoriasis is not contagious. It is neither transmitted through airborne droplets, nor through sexual transmission or through touch.

    attention!The fungus (onychomycosis) can affect any contact, including in public places-saunas, swimming pools, gyms, etc. It is spread from animals and people.

  • Psoriasis on the head does not change the structure of the hair, while fungal diseases can cause brittleness, dryness and hair loss.
  • Unlike scaly lichen, onychomycosis of the legs and feet is accompanied by an unpleasant smell.
  • With the destruction of scaly nails, their structure has changed in the initial stage, and for fungi for a long time, the structure and color of the nail plate will not change.

From pink lichen

The sign of psoriasis is the "Triad of Psoriasis". The disease develops gradually and has gone through three stages. Pityriasis rose (pityriasis) develops rapidly and continues to develop. In addition, psoriasis is an infectious disease, but scaly lichen is not.

From neurodermatitis

  • Atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis) is an allergen, triggered by certain substances, such as plant pollen, food, animal hair, etc. The causes of psoriasis are different (hereditary, reduced immunity, mental illness, skin mechanical damage, etc. ).
  • If you have neurodermatitis, the skin will dry out and become rough, while psoriasis can cause scales and bleeding.
  • The plaques with dermatitis are composed of individual small elements. In the case of shingles, the papules are uniform and covered by silver scales.
  • The color of psoriasis rash is much brighter than neurodermatitis.

For gout

The difference between gouty arthritis and psoriatic arthritis lies in the cause of development. Gout occurs when uric acid crystals are deposited in the articular cartilage. The reasons for deviation from the norm may be: high blood pressure, obesity, taking diuretics, drinking, etc.

The symptoms of psoriasis and gout are similar-severe pain at night, stiffness in movement, redness and swelling of the affected area. However, in psoriasis, in most cases, the characteristic red rash appears first, followed by pain.

Other obvious symptoms of gouty arthritis include:

  • There are white nodules in the affected joint area;
  • Signs of kidney stones (back pain, blood in the urine, etc. ).